Mais qu’est-ce que je fais, là ?
C’est moi qui me demande ça ou lui ?
Je ne sais plus.
Si je suis suffisament patient est-ce que le bus va arriver ou bien vais-je voir « service terminé » ?

What am I doing here, there (and everywhere, ahahhhh) ?

Who’s wondering ? Me or he ?

Can’t tell.

If I’m patient enough, will the bus take me for a ride or will I finally see « end of service » on the pannel ?

Listen to your words they’ll tell you what to do
Listen over the rhythm that’s confusing you
Listen to the reed in the saxophone
Listen over the hum of the radio
Listen over sounds of blades in rotation
Listen through the traffic and circulation
Listen as hope and peace try to rhyme
Listen over marching bands playing out of time

(U2 – Wake Up Dead Man)
